Sunday, January 6, 2019


"What is Hynosis ?
Is it possible that anyone can make people turn in their control and get work from them done ?
has it ever happened that the stories of spread of old time hypnosis has been a lifetime success ?
A lot of these questions frame our mindset when we get back see a passerby saint or anyone who tries to do something which is beyond our understanding of logic and mindset at that very specific moment , I may be wrong partially but not totally when I tell you that, " anyone when in not the perfect state of mind / weak state of mind can be easily said to be hypnotised "
The real meaning of Hypnosis is :-
Hypnosis is a state of human consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestion. The term may also refer to an art, skill, or act.
a trancelike state that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject.

Logically any time when your mind starts to look or concentrate on something its capacity to listen exists while eyes are concentrating on one such object may that be a part like eyes or the globe or any object for reference , but the subconscious mind dominates and the part where we think or the consious part gets into thinking of what u are either listening to or concentrating upon .
Hypnosis, also known as hypnotherapy, is a method of inducing a trance or a dream-like state of deep relaxation in order to treat disorders of a mainly psychological or emotional origin. It has been practised in various forms for thousands of years by many cultures including Druid, Celtic and Egyptian. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, hypnosis (or ‘mesmerism’) was seen more as a sideshow curiosity than a valid medical treatment.

Today, hypnosis is recognised by the scientific community as an effective healing tool, although how it works is still something of a mystery. It is not a treatment in its own right, but is used as a part of medical, psychological and dental treatments.

The brain has different levels of consciousness, or awareness, ranging from fully alert to drowsy to fully asleep, with variations in between. Hypnotic states occur naturally and spontaneously.

Everyday examples include:
Being absorbed in a pleasant task and losing track of time
Doing a mundane task (such as washing the dishes) while thinking about something else, to the degree that you can’t actually remember performing the task
Getting lulled into a dreamy state by boredom, for example, when listening to a dull speech.

Suggestions may be taken to heart, but only if those suggestions are acceptable to the hypnotised person. Contrary to popular belief, you can’t be hypnotised into doing things against your will. You can’t be forced into a hypnotic state either. Instead, you allow yourself to be hypnotised. It is a voluntary altering of your own consciousness, and you are always in control. In other words, you are hypnotising yourself.

So be cautious of why where and with whom the state of mind is while u talk in order to avoid being afraid of this wonderful word but as they say all good things have a cost .

On this page:
Disorders helped by hypnosis
The hypnotic state
Hypnosis - you are in control
Risks of hypnosis
Results of hypnosis
Methods of hypnosis
Special considerations for hypnosis
Finding a therapist
Where to get help
Things to remember
Hypnosis, also known as hypnotherapy, is a method of inducing a trance or a dream-like state of deep relaxation in order to treat disorders of a mainly psychological or emotional origin. It has been practised in various forms for thousands of years by many cultures including Druid, Celtic and Egyptian. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, hypnosis (or ‘mesmerism’) was seen more as a sideshow curiosity than a valid medical treatment.

Today, hypnosis is recognised by the scientific community as an effective healing tool, although how it works is still something of a mystery. It is not a treatment in its own right, but is used as a part of medical, psychological and dental treatments.

Disorders helped by hypnosis

Hypnosis can help you change attitudes, perceptions and behaviours. It can be effective in treating a range of medical and psychological issues, including:
Chronic pain
Fears and phobias
High blood pressure
Panic attacks
Thumb sucking
Sleep problems
Sexual problems

1 comment:

  1. A fantastic explanation that will open some people’s minds as to how best hypnosis can be used. Hope some of my clients read this before their first visit, big help with the pre-talk.
