Sunday, September 30, 2012

The power of Hinduism

Hinduism is a secular religion ...
It is nothing but a summery of all religions combined together ...
We are all aware of our past and India being called a secular country and Hinduism a secular religion...
All religions are a part of Hinduism only if they agree that there ancestors were Hindus .. this message given to us by a learned professor Dr. Subramanian Swamy is not to divide or insult any religion but it has just been said so that we are sure that these people are worth our trust and can be called as virat Hindus ... All we need to do is Borden up our mind span ...
Dr. Swamy simply means in such statements that we all agree that we are one and we also agree that we shouldn't follow one religion and respect all religions ... Bit this doesn't mean that children of gazni and Hitler are treated equally...
India or Hindustan is the same thing and all of us are aware about this ... From the tern hindustan was the world Hinduism derived ... And the followers as Hindus ... Our versa and culture teaches us many things which we learn through science and various other things ...
Indianism or Hinduism has become very important these days and this is because we need to imbibe back our culture and heritage for which our country is well known all over the world...
Virat Hindus must work together as a team from today in order to help India grow in a better way...
The day Hindus get united will be the last day of existence of congress and other people who are corrupt and are looting our countries  since long...
Jai hind

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Are we different from robots.. ?

Today in this era of modernisation and tecnology , where our education system has reached the level of technology by replaceing boks with tablets and laptops but the question is that are we actually ready to accept such a change ?
NO, nor are we ready and nor is this education system of ours perfect for any sort of development...
Swamy Vivekanand has rightly said :

Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man  "

Today all the education which is being imparted in our schools is just to cram up what so ever is given and not to learn and understand the basic things... as we grow furthur reach a greateer stage in life our cramming increases with the increase in presuure and tention for us... many of us also loose interest in such activities which we were very fond off...

Our education system is only 30 - 40% practicle and this is why many of us while going for compeditions get to realise this and understand this fact
for e.g in the story taare zameen par we all saw darsheel who was a dylexisic patient lost his talent and love for art in whoch he was very good... when will the world understand that life is not based upon just a few professions and if this happens then u wont every be able to survive...
another issue that rose up which was that we do a lot of things that are unwanted just to get a degree but what after that, what kind of a job do we actually get.. ?
for example a student of commerce spends his 3years in completeing his degree and doing what getting a general knowledge about everything.. but did we look and give it a pause that the most practicle subject here is also made to be done theoretically... i mean even a subject like accounts where now a days no one passes entries but we are just taught how to pass entries rather than teaching us tally and makeing it compulsary for all so that when the commerce students grow they learn how to be much more practicle....
just like a student of medicakl sciences is taught theory in the 1st year and from then till 3yrs his practicle operations and studies go... then why not in the other fields.. 
all that we learn today is how to be a vegitable in future and then when we grow we actually have to enroll ourselves into various other things apart from just the degrees we are takeing, when will we get to see a better and a practicle change in this system of ours which is busy manufactureing robots....when will our government get over their stupid fights and think about the education system and bring in a better change that makes the life of children easy and their burden less.....

Education has lost its true worth

A Shanghai student, who returned from Japan on April 1, stabbed his mother repeatedly with a fruit knife within minutes of landing at Pudong International Airport following an argument, raising grave social concerns.
Though police have detained the man and are investigating the incident, especially trying to appraise his mental state, his 52-year-old mother is desperate to protect her son.
The woman's desperation to save her son from harm, even though she slipped in a coma after the attack, reflects the love and self-sacrifice of most mothers for their children. For years, sons and daughters have been the apples of their parents' eyes. Many Chinese parents, despite their relative poverty, sacrifice everything they have to educate their children and give them a better life. But what most of the children earn is just college diplomas, not proper, rational and mature values.
A person's character is formed on family values. In the past, Chinese people used to pay great attention to family values. In fact, people followed many scholarly works on family and morality as guidelines for centuries.
Unfortunately, moral education and family values have become pass today. Cultivation of moral character is not considered part of modern education, which focuses more on making money and achieving success.
Society today tends to weigh success in terms of money, power and social status rather than factors such as social contribution and faithfulness to one's family and cause.
But parents are still committed to helping their children in every possible way and every field of life. And in these times of single-child families parents tend to pamper and over-protect them - turning them into self-centered individuals. The stabbing incident at Shanghai's Pudong airport is one example of such self-centricity.
An equally shocking but fatal stabbing incident was reported from Xi'an, Shaanxi province, on Oct 20 last year. Yao Jiaxin, a 21-year-old student knocked down cyclist Zhang Miao with his car while rushing to meet his girlfriend. When Yao saw Zhang, a young mother, staring at his number plate, he pulled out a knife and stabbed her to death. The callous reason Yao gave for killing Zhang is that he thought he had "knocked down a farmer who would keep badgering him endlessly for compensation".
Yao's parents, it seems, did not inculcate in him even the basic human values. Had his parents taken the trouble of doing that, Zhang's child would not have been motherless today. Of what use is education if it does not value life?
More shocking news came from Dong Fan, a professor at Beijing Normal University, who said higher education degrees must be matched with high incomes, and that he would not meet his students who could not earn 40 million yuan ($6.12 million) before reaching the age of 40. If even teachers consider money to be the all and end all of life, how can students learn and follow family and social values?
School education should act as insurance for children's moral cultivation even if parents educate their wards in matters of humanity and morality. But the pressures of parents to see their children secure high scores and school authorities' eagerness to see more of their students get high and fancy degrees have pushed moral values and social responsibility into the archives of modern society.
Schools and colleges can no longer be considered places where individuals' characters can be built in the true sense of the term. With schools and colleges focusing on economic development and teachers preferring to take private classes to make an extra buck how can students be immune to the worship of money?
If we take our society to be a big college, we will see that moral values are vanishing from our midst at a fast pace, with young children being the most misled with distorted and vulgar ideas. The worship of money is evident everywhere, from TV programs to Internet postings, from glitzy shopping malls and supermarkets to swanky cars and designer clothes.
Hence, there is an urgent need for educators, education authorities, schools, colleges, teachers, parents and students - in other words the entire society - to rethink their priorities and accord education its rightful place in our lives.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Indian Culture & Heritage

A nation that has no cultural heritage is like an orphan who has nothing to feed upon. An individual human being, a race or a nation must necessarily have certain roots somewhere. India is deep rooted in the culture of her past—the glorious past. India is a vast country, and centuries old. It is difficult to sum up her heritage in a few words. Her past has been full of glory. She has been the birth place of many great men and women. She has given birth to many great movements in religion, art and literature. These movements have not been limited to India alone, but they have travelled to other parts of the world. The India of today has a rich past over which we can look back with pride. Our past has given us a definite way of life, which is typically Indian and yet universal in approach.
The most prominent feature of India's culture it that it com­bines many cultures. India is a land of great variety and many in­fluences have worked to produce modern India. India has shown great capacity for absorbing what came to her from outside. The base of the Indian civilization was formed by the coming together of the old Indus Valley Civilization and the Aryan Civilization came from beyond the North-West frontier of India. It has been repeatedly influenced by other civilizations, though basically it has recognize the same. The Greeks, the Romans, the Scythians, the Turks, the Russians, the Arabs and the Europeans left their impre­ssion. India's capacity to abroad was so great that they all became Indian.
British rule in India brought a new element. The industrial civilization of the West brought in her influences. It produced changes in thought and outlook. The ideas of democracy of the parliamentary type were brought to India by the West. The English language also was helpful in bringing us in contract with the modern world by science.
For several hundred years India was weak and came under foreign rule. She lost her vitality. In ancient times, Indian missions went out, carrying India's religion, language, culture, habits and art, all over South-East Asia, Western and Central Asia. Ashoka, the great emperor, sent missionaries to spread Buddhism all over the then known world, some of the oldest books in Sanskrit drama have been found in the Gobi desert.
The came a period when narrow-mindedness entered Indian ways of thinking. Religion became a superstition. The ideas of caste cut Indian society into countless divisions. Foreigners took advantage of these and conquered India.
It was Gandhiji who made Indians aware of their ancient heritage which they had forgotten. He led us in our struggle for freedom. In this task he put into practice the basic wisdom of ancient India. That wisdom consisted in freedom from fear and freedom from hatred. To the ideals of truth and non-violence which had been preached long ago by the wise men of old, he have a new shape.
Throughout her past India has preached and practiced tolera­tion and understanding. These have been the basis of Indian reli­gion, philosophy, art and literature. Her sons wet far and wide, unmindful of the dangers in their ways, to spread this message of peace. By adopting peaceful means forgetting our independence, Gandhiji showed the superiority of peaceful methods over force and violence.
The charms and graciousness of the .Indian way of life endures due to the philosophy of life which we have inherited from the past. Religion in India is not a thing to be put on and put off like Sunday clothes. It permeates the whole fabric of Indian life. What­ever we do, however great or small, is colored with religious sentiments. From the planting of a tree to the establishing of an industry, all are regarded as pious acts. Training and education, marriage and procreation, birth and death are all tinged with reli­gious fervour.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Need for Moral Values to Indian Youth

Youth signifies and represents ideal-ism and hope. Every generation of young persons charts out its
own course to realize its dreams and aspirations in life. Meanwhile it is the perpetual responsibility of
the elders to assist the youths in growing up and in becoming familiar with the eternal human values.
Further, they need acquaintance with different facets of human quest that has led to generation,
creation, dissemination and evolution of knowledge resulting in better understanding of the forces of
nature, the world around us, and the way civilizations evolve and march ahead. They must prepare
themselves to chalk out their new goals of life they wish to pursue and the contributions they intend to
make to society. The youths are to be taught to paint the vast canvas of life with ideas and activities
that could help them visualize the future they are to create for themselves and their fellow men. They
need to strive to know what is real and what is unreal. They could also be guided to appreciate that
the search for truth is the ultimate goal that one realizes only after understanding the transitory nature
of all that is constantly changing around every moment. An acquaintance with the history and heritage
of India could give them a feeling of continuity and motivate them to assume responsibility to take the
lineage ahead. Above all, cultural moorings and scriptures may motivate and instil in them a sense of
possession of the sublime, goodness and beauty, which they need to assimilate and internalize.
The world is continuously on the march. The 21st century represents a transition from ‘information
society’ to the ‘knowledge society’. Knowledge alone can transform even a slack and lethargic society
to join others in dynamic endeavours for progress and development. No society can remain stagnant
and isolated and hope for survival these days. What matters is the level of general awareness and
willingness  coupled  with  determination  to  utilize  knowledge  for  the  welfare  of  the  ‘people’,  ie
themselves. It is well understood that universal education and greater participation in higher education
is the road that every nation must tread at this stage. They do need leadership and guidance in early
stages. Millions of Indians imbibed the seemingly impossible goals put forward by Mahatma Gandhi
during the freedom struggle. They gladly accepted sacrifice, sufferings and personal injury of various
kinds. No generation can pass on the eternal values of life like truth, integrity, idealism, service of
others and moral codes of conduct to the next generation without itself presenting concrete evidence
of  having adhered to these in their own lives.  There must  be examples for study,  scrutiny and
adaptation and then, finally, every generation has to learn for itself, prepare to delineate what would be
the best in the times ahead. Education along with the family and the society could prepare every
generation to make the correct and appropriate choice. Apart from dedication, commitment, acquisition
of competence, proficiency in acquisition of knowledge and willingness to upgrade it continuously, it
would also be equally, rather even more, important to internalize the need for disciplined exercise of
human  faculties.  The moral crisis being  faced by every nation at  present  arises  out  of  unwise,
materialistic and undisciplined application of human faculties. All awareness and acquaintance with
high morals, ethics, values and principles is of little consequence unless sustained efforts are made by
all concerned to achieve their internalization and then imbibe a determination to stick to them even in
circumstances that may indeed be testing and demanding.
The 20th century was the century of science and technology. It gave mankind enough know-how,
knowledge and skill that empowered them to control the forces of nature. A possibility emerged in
which, with an equitable distribution of the natural resources, every human being could live a decent
life, and the world could be freed from hunger, poverty, misery and drudgery. What the world really got
was two World Wars, the brutal and cruel destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, massacre of millions
in Germany and also in USSR and China. There was violence spread over the globe all around. There
was a Mahatma Gandhi, a Martin Luther King Jr, an Albert Schweitzer and also Hitler, Mussolini, and
Stalin. There were illumined minds that strived hard to propagate eternal human values. There werealso those who had not been imbued with the basics of humanity and the eternal human values.
Things  changed  fast.  There  were  positive  developments  like  end  of  colonialism  and  apartheid,
restoration of rights to women, establishment of the United Nations and others. In India, caste system
and untouchability were discarded; acceptance of diversity, India’s greatest heritage and asset began
gaining strength. Young persons from India have proved to the entire world that even learning in
deficient and deprived conditions, they can match in effort, commitment and intellectual abilities with
the best in the world. Indians have established their superiority in science, technology and lately in the
field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The West is now looking towards India,
which has the demographic advantage as around 65 per cent of its population are below 30 years. It is
time to realize the value of every human life—some prefer to call it human resource—and the need to
give them chance and opportunity to prove themselves in non-exploitative conditions.
A very significant point to be noted is that, at the time of the beginning and subsequent growth of
science and technology in Europe, there was little acquaintance with the Eastern philosophy and
thought amongst the people in general and also amongst the scientists. Scientific advances influence
the socio-cultural and spiritual values, hence  these cannot be viewed in isolation. The growth of
science and technology has mostly resulted in materialistic gains at the cost of spiritual quest, which
alone provides fullness to the human endeavour and is crucial for the very survival of human beings.
Materialism leads to the weakening of the sense of adherence to eternal human values. It creates an
imbalance between man and nature. Overexploitation of natural resources has already reached nonreversible and non-renewable stages in several areas. The consequences of these are visible in terms
of several new concerns that the youth of tomorrow shall be facing: the global warming, the ozone
hole,  deforestation,  environmental  degradation  and  serious  issues  of  pollution,  adulteration  and
toxification. The dilemma is best explained by a simple and familiar example. The government policies
recommend  prohibition  and  incur  expenditures  to  promote  the  idea.  Surprisingly  these  very
governments try to earn more and more revenue from liquor sales! Such liquor shops are invariably
located in areas that are inhabited by the poorest of the poor. And practically all these governments
swear by the name of Mahatma Gandhi, democratic values, and their ‘dedication’ to serve the poorest
of the poor!
The 21st century began as usual with unmitigated violence and cruelest of mass killings in human
history, which overshadow the outstanding breakthroughs in human welfare. It finds itself face-to-face
with terrorism and fundamentalism. There is no paucity of scientific breakthroughs and technological
advances to overcome most of the challenges being faced by the human beings, what is missing is
the wisdom and compassion to do so. Knowledge proliferates in all its glory but wisdom languishes in
some hidden spots only.  While the visibility of globalization and transition to a global society is
apparent, challenges before the future generations have increased manifold. The world is getting
ready for a far more complex transition than any of its earlier transitions: from the caves to forests,
from forests to nomadic, pastoral, industrial and then post-industrial society. Globalization unhinges
cut-throat competition in a shrinking world in which the gap between the developing and the developed
nations is not decreasing but widening. The distrust amongst faiths and religions is on the rise. The
citizens  of  the  world  have  all  become  neighbours.  They  still  have  to  learn  how  to  become
When Mahatma Gandhi wanted education ‘to draw out the best out of the body, mind and spirit’, he
possibly understood the lack of emphasis on skills and spiritual aspects in education. If he were to
witness the level of this neglect today, it would have appalled him! ‘My life is my message’ is one of the
most valued of his statements that presents a code of moral conduct before all of us and particularly
before the icons of the young whom they emulate for ‘learning’, and for reshaping their lives! The
political leadership offers a very discouraging setting. The way elections are conducted and the type of
people  who  become  representatives  of  the  people  and  project  themselves  as  the  saviours  of
democratic values perplexes the youth.  What  they observe generates  more disinterest  than the
eagerness to enhance their thirst for democratic values. The easy entry of ‘tainted’ and criminalelements into the corridor of politics and power seems to sharpen their frustration. The manner in
which  the  business  of  the  Houses  of  the  Parliament  and  state  legislatures get  disrupted  rarely
presents a worthwhile example to emulate in their future life. Corruption is practically institutionalized
and the most horrifying aspect is that of its inroads into the realm of education—both in schools and in
higher education. When the Prime Minister of India expresses concern that about 60 per cent of
universities and 90 per cent of colleges are functioning at a below average level, there is a case for
serious rethinking on what are we depriving our youths of.
Expansion in every sector generally leads to dilution of quality if necessary precautions are not taken.
India greatly needs an early expansion of higher education institutions, but it can ill afford any further
dilution of quality, particularly the neglect of moral values and principles that are essential to prepare
an individual for a purposeful journey in life. Can the Planet Earth survive if education fails to bring
about a symphony of ‘Self, Society and Nature’?
India is now getting a taste of reality. While the number of billionaires in India is increasing every
month, people living below the poverty line is estimated at 300 million. Even those above this ‘line’ do
not lead an enviable life. Is India not facing a crisis of ‘ideology of progress’? Can this country continue
to ape the Western concept of progress and retain its own identity? Is India ready and equipped to
face the challenges and onslaughts on its culture, languages, and diversity that it has nurtured and
preserved as an asset over the centuries? With the passage of time these questions are likely to
acquire larger magnitude. The inability of the present generations to act as the trustees of the future
generations is evident. Our institutions also appear deficient to appreciate the emerging aspirations of
the youths and respond to these with adequate moderation, wherever necessary.
Take the instance of stressful learning. Can any society ignore the increasing numbers of suicides
before and after examinations, child abuse and molestation by teachers, violence within campus, fake
degrees, and so much more? Even one such case must wake up our conscience and impel us to think
of remedial measures. These problems, however, cannot be solved merely by issuing official circulars
and even by punishing the guilty, which rarely happens. The maladies have taken deep root. So the
solutions must emerge from careful scrutiny and logical inferences that are based on a comprehensive
view of how human beings grow up and how they can be inspired to lead a meaningful life. All these
developments  call  for  a  sound  rethinking  of  values,  ethics  and  morals  which  may  lead  to  the
internalization of humane elements and inculcation of a sense of need to grow up in inner strength and
moral external actions.
What can be done
In  one  of  his  discourses  on  ‘Purpose  of  Education’ Dr  Radhakrishnan  summarizes  the  theme
If men make history, ideas make men. What is our objective with regard to the training of youth? Are
we to prepare them for life or for death? Do we send our children to school, young men to colleges, to
make them behave like beasts of prey? When we look around and see what is taking place in
academic centres, how we are imposing on . . . youth false ideas, how we are debasing the minds and
corrupting the hearts of the young, making them crazy with the lust of cruelty and power, do we not
feel guilty of using the noble instrument of education for ignoble ends? What is our purpose in
university education? Is it the Nazi ideal of military efficiency? Is it the Fascist ideal of ‘work, obey and
fight’? Are we to train youth for class struggle as Communists demand? Will system of education
based on such ideals help us to create a new and better order of society? The totalitarian States look
upon human beings as aimless, drifting, soulless creatures, who without any mind or will of their own
can be driven like cattle or moulded like clay by those who appoint themselves as their rulers. We are
not taught to use our understanding, but to yield like animals to our instincts and appetites . . . . To
make  us  soulless,  to  degrade  us  to  the  level  of  animal  cannot  be  the  purpose  of  education’.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Lost Indian culture and heritage

Our Indian culture is well known and respected all over the world...
We might have chosen to adapt to the western culture but have we ever thought that what culture are they looking forward to....
People aware with the news world wide defiantly know that Obama had also praised India and its cultural heritage ....
It gives me a lot of pain to see it vanishing day by day... We have such a wonderful culture the best if taken out from stupid believes and still we don't respect what we have and tend to follow the useless trend of half nakedness , roaming around like animals , smoking and drinking whereever possible etc.
Recently while on the way back from my trip to Vishnu devi I realised that we have become devils when we lost this culture of our ... All talk went about god or other things but about where to stay , where drinks will be provided etc.... The intentions weren't about reaching safely with the entire group but about reaching asap so that we can smoke and talk to our girlfriend's..... While climbing the we are not worried about the turn but are worried that since a day we did nothing , no drinking , no smoking nothing or either that our gf is getting bored ....
Today we like to have live in relations but do we ever wonder about the consequences that happen later on ... Why can't we be different like we were ... We are so much so engaged in crap that not are we labeling the guts to fight for justice and our rights and nor anything else... All we are busy in is wasteing time on irrelevant stuff...
When we go see our old monuments we realise how beautiful were they but unfortunately no one took the pains to get then repaired or even maintain them everything and every bit if land was sold and commercialised .... It's pathetic to see such a disrespect for the world's most beautiful monuments consisting of the best stories behind each ... And a lot to learn from ...
Is this our culture , is this the faith that is carried on ?... Even when we were up there were a lit many things that pinched me like asking for donations , looting people , lines and fights for everything , no concern for old , hurt and injured people .... We have seriously lost some thing which is very essential to live and that is our heart and brain .... It's a miracle how such people are alive .... Our culture never taught us to be this way ... Going to a holly place with so much of disrespect ....
It I'd very bad and can be worse of we don't work upon it now....
And the best way is to first maintain our selves then people around us and advise them to do the same if u wish to seek a happier life ahead...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Understanding our real relations

In todays world how many relations are real ?
We have friends but can't be sure if they will be with us till the long and bad phases if life , we have relatives but aren't sure that all they will think is about the betterment of ours , we have teachers but can't assure that she will actually guide us in a correct way or not depending upon the situation , we have partners but aren't sure about whether they'll be true to us or not....
We all I am sure u must have experienced of or all of such cases in our lives by now ...
I'll share an example with all of u :
When I was in school I thought that I found a real friend because we had things in common even our chooses about things were common, unfortunately we managed to like the same girl... But a scene such happened that because of that one girl our friendship which was known to be the most difficult one to break actually ripped and we became the best if enemies .... That day I asked myself a question that was he actually the real friend whom I thought I can just share anything with... ? With this incidence I started to learn a lot of things by just observing people and their change ...
Many of us might have friends who play with the emotions of many others of the opposite sex... Have we ever thought that if they do not respect those people who love them that can be either their partner or family members will such people be worth the time u r going to spend upon them ?
I have had many friends and experiencing everytime something different from each one of them and their relations ... I saw some cry , I saw some cheat , I saw some getting depressed whereas I even saw some fleet.... But in the end I realised that what is the use of these tears and lies in the relations all they do is make a relation weak and a weak relation is just like a weak structure which is hampered in the wind and us then very difficult to built is up again.... Relations are the most delicate thing in the world , all it depends is upon u how well do u manage to keep it and till which extent u actually take it to... I remember a friend of mine, well we shared the same philosophy ... We couldn't tolerate people Who have never valued their relations and always went on like nomads ... I always wished to do something and directly or indirectly help these nomads to understand the actual value and pain that is caused after the breaking of relations.... Life is nothing but a perfect mixture of happiness,sadness and joy and is very simple if we want it to be that way....
It is important for us to know and reorganise who actually are our real relations and try and avoid fake people as they won't ever help us grow and if they see us growing They will make sure that we are pulled down and never succeed in our life's ... But our real relations will always guide us like teachers , scold us like parents , talk to us like friends , tacke our problems like councillors , help us out if various problems and protect us like a young child... Such people are rarely found and are termed differently by all of us... So keep such people close to u always and ur relation as fresh as ever...