Sunday, February 8, 2015

Delhi Elections - What wet wrong and where in the wave ?

        The Lok Sabha Polls when BJP fought for victory and spoke against the Congress, when the CM of Gujarat impressed all hearts with his speeches of progress and a road map for the nation as to how the nation will be a Congress Mukt Bharat or a Congress Free Nation, the National Damad Scam of Sir R.Vadra the son-in-law of Sonia Gandhi, the CWG scam that brought an international level shame for us all , the Nirbhaya Rape case that showed pathetic mentality of animals portraying themselves as humans and then roaming free in the public, the Beheading of our Soldiers by Pakistan , China's call on A.P, big talks on anti corruption bills and bringing back of Black Money Stashed abroad, Hold on drugs, stability of price of petrol, better education.... etc.

         The nation stood up that day as congress in 15 years was not able to make a good name after being cornered in every department and sphere and also the people of India wanting a change for development. People saw a new ray of hope in the BJP they never had imagined that NJP would again get back into DIRTY LOW CLASS POLITICS of religion and other useless claims. But until there were no much controversies by the BJP's own MINISTERS they kept sweeping , now when people have started to ask where is development , what is the action plan , how will you fight our prob;ems.. the party decided to stay MUM, for their personal benefit the election of Delhi was postponed and then the people of delhi saw the same disaster of Helicopter MP no matter how stupid the logic behind it was.

        With the passage of time the questions kept on rising and with that rose internal aggression, indiscipline , useless controversies on religion , diversion from the aim of progress of the nation. The same is being done in Jammu and Kashmir and if soon nothing is seen there Bihar and U.P will also show them this result. The action of Sadhvi and her speeches, the dialog of 40 hindu children , the demand of temples, the controversy of MSG , the issue of American President, Open misuse of seat, no control of the own government, no needs and demands being heard , no new idea being phrased ,no action on religious conversions.. etc are all reasons for Fall of the party which before this were a clear indication of the Rise of the Ego in the party.

      Many of us openly choose BJP in center for progress but seeing the efforts we choose another right step of putting a good competition /challenge/ hit/ lesson/  opposition for the better building of a New Era Bharat. Now lets hope BJP ammends old laws, improves HRD and other works, brings better ideas and starts working in states as well...

Note;- BJP should get ready for no aliance in PUNJAB so that they can prosper better or in 2017 they will be swept away in a THUNDERSTORM with Sad.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Helicopter MP's in Political Parties

The heading says it all. Today the Helicopter MP's is nothing new but the question which all parties raise is why do we need such helicopter MP's and our question is even if you take in such a candidate what should their role be for the party before they are given a position above all...

This was recently highlighted in our 2014 L.S Polling campaign when in #Chandigarh because of an Internal rift in the BJP a Helicopter MP was brought and with that given additional charges of leading a state. The next time such an incidence occurred is during delhi elections in 2015 when we see a lot of hustle in the BJP family again after another kirron taking a helicopter entry.
 But this just isn't the only party with this type of candidate. For the first time In the History of India this word came in when there was Congress as the only party being headed by Nehru then taken over by her ambitious but a dictator like daughter Indra, who led to the formation of "The Janata Parivar" and here was the first time ever when helicopter MP's were seen coming and going and since then this became a part of Indian Politics. Till date this process is on so accusing any party for this being their trait would technically be wrong.
The impact of such candidates is that it helps a party build up a better image in the public by getting people that deserve to serve as per the party but here is where what goes wrong :-
Such Candidates boost the morale of the party and the image but Dent the Interest and efforts being put in by the workers or Karyakarta's, followers and we'll wishers of the party, hence creating more of a rucas...
These candidates dominate the will and integrity of old genuine workers making the party hurt one and sevral in one...
At times such people are least interested in working for the people so the image of the party gets dented further...
They also lead to a bad impression on the public today questioning the increase in internal party fights for the seats and non existence of a good candidate from such big parties as well...
They can just move with the wind but in long term burry the growth and party image...
   Now the cure to such people and problem is that they should put such people on a test for a year so that they can atleast learn the voice of the people and Also that they can adjust and tine themselves to the expectations of the workers so that even their sentiments are not harmed... Lets hope our Political parties get to learn something new this way.