Thursday, August 24, 2017

BJP has failed to secure Haryana

What people Believe and what I saw on a personal travel trip :-
The followers of The accused Saint in question want to meet him which means in his Dera they don't get the time to meet him.
The followers are allowed to enter for the support of the accused while they know the charges have been framed and the party has been sold and made to sit silent.
The trust in the centre and the state or the judicisry shall come to an end tomorrow no matter what happens.
The resignation of such A Chief Minister of the state is primarily important as much is the execution of such accused important before any judgement in their places.

While I was on a driver from the city in question to a city in Punjab for some personal work it was clearly seen that the buses filled with followers were being allowed to enter Nd even after section 144 they were allowed to settle into groups in numbers as big as 1 lac.
The state was aware but the administration and political class preferred to sleep on the entire issue to let the pressure be built on the people as well as the judicisry. It is true that no action was either taken nor was instructed because the Government sold the states justice and decipline to the accused. The judgement if made against the accused the state will burn to hell if in favor justice will burn to hell forever and with this the name of Rss and BJP shall be buried under the mud for years to come because after the previous 2 incidents so being of Rampal and Jatt agitation it has been clear that nor the state Government nor the centre is in any mood to deliver justice to its people...

To all Citizens with supreme integrity on behalf of many civilian stuck I would just like to say a few things :-
1) BJP Government is the biggest failure ij Haryana and resignation of the entire cabinet should be demanded before panchkula sees either of the execution.
2) any riot or war happens not because the system is weak but because the people in charge are weak enuf to act for the justice of their own state and people
3) the minister in charge must take full responsibity towards the people that voted them to power and not the powerful saint to kill the procedure of justice
4) The Failure of the centre and opposition has made the situation come to what it is and hence none of the politicians have any right to comment on life's of a common man
5) our Prime minister has miserably failed because of his useless cabinet and resignation shall be demanded from him as well for letting a state burn 3 times in his own party's tenure .